Port 5027 - 1000+ connection

Sanjay Shah3 years ago

When port 5027 reach 1000+ connection, we see disconnects / delay in real-time update.

https://www.traccar.org/optimization/ -- these changes are already done. Still Facing challenge. Can any one guide where i am wrong

Sanjay Shah3 years ago

any help here

Sanjay Shah3 years ago

TCP connections :: In rush hours we see close_wait increasing and established connections reducing.

What be the reason.

Niraj Singha year ago

I am also facing the same issue...did you find any solution for this issue?

B.Ihaba year ago

Same here, did someone find a solution? If not, can we discuss how to solve it?

Gps man10 months ago

any solution guys ?

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

There won't be any solution until someone investigates the root cause.