share device

paulo andre jannke8 months ago

Has anyone managed to share a device? For me it just gives me an error. If anyone has managed to do it and can share how they did it, I would be grateful.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Do you have SSL enabled?

paulo andre jannke8 months ago

Now I cleared the cache and it worked, how do I control the validity time of this sharing link?

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

It's not possible to control it currently.

Track-trace8 months ago

Actually it seems you can control the validity of the link/account. When the link is created a new user is created. That user account is valid for 7 days. But when you go to settings / users / the user account created for that link, and then click edit / permissions. Then you can change the expiration date for less or more days, or click the checkbox disabled. Or if needed just delete the account when you want to stop sharing the link.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

That's only if you have admin access. And if you do have an admin access, you could already create a "shared device" user without this feature.

gLeW8 months ago

Excellent, working great.

Its a way to config for how many time creat the temp user??? i only like for the day.


Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Not yet, but it's a good feature request candidate.

gLeW8 months ago

Thanks for the fast reply Anton

SJ8 months ago

I am also having problem sharing the devices as well, when i click on the device -> more (...) -> Share Device , I am getting the following error:

Unique index or primary key violation: "PUBLIC.CONSTRAINT_9_INDEX_1 ON PUBLIC.TC_USERS(EMAIL NULLS FIRST) VALUES ( /* 14 */ '' )"; SQL statement: INSERT INTO tc_users(map, login, totpKey, latitude, longitude, phone, disabled, expirationTime, readonly, deviceReadonly, zoom, twelveHourFormat, coordinateFormat, limitCommands, disableReports, fixedEmail, poiLayer, email, administrator, deviceLimit, userLimit, temporary, name, attributes) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [23505-224] - JdbcSQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException (... < QueryBuilder:469 < DatabaseStorage:95 < DeviceResource:216 < ...)

May i know where can i get more logs for troubleshooting or anyone can tell me how to solve this problem?

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

You need to wait for the next release. It will fix all these issues.

SJ8 months ago

Thanks so much for your input. Will be waiting for the next release. Tqvm

fedingas8 months ago

As I understand, the service only works over SSL. Do you plan to transfer the link to the user in another way in the future, e.g. via popup or email?

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Yes, it's already implemented.

fedingas8 months ago

I just want to clarify, if traccar is used without SSL, then it will be possible to use the current share device service without the current way with clipboard? I understood correctly?