compare with previous attribute

Sandreli10 months ago

I would like to compare an attribute (or computed attribute) with the previous value and I dont know if it is possible.
I am getting from time to time a small increase in fuel from the device which corrects itself and dont want to see those fluctuations in the graph.

Would processing.computedAttributes.lastAttributes help in this case ? And if so, what would be the configuration and how to use the previous value in the computed attributes expression ?

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Yes, you can enable processing.computedAttributes.lastAttributes. You need to prefix attributes with last. For example, fuelLast.

Sandreli10 months ago

did not understood if it is with capital L or not as you wrote both ways :) But will try with capital:

Attribute: Fuel
io48 ? (io48 - io48Last) == 1 ? io48Last * 0.7 : io48 * 0.70 : null

io48 fuel percentage, if it increases by 1% then keep the previous value in fuel (0.7 - 70 litres fuel tank). Hope the expression is correct.

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Sorry, it's actually a prefix. It should be lastFuel.

Sandreli10 months ago

I added the configuration:

<entry key='processing.computedAttributes.lastAttributes'>true</entry>

but the following still gives undefined lastio48 on the test message

io48 ? (io48 - lastio48) == 1 ? lastio48 * 0.7 : io48 * 0.70 : null 

ignore the undefined on the test message or is there an issue with lastio48 that I am missing ?

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

It should be lastIo48.

Sandreli10 months ago

It worked perfectly. Thanks Anton. So after the prefix, the attribute must be with capital first letter.

Anton Tananaev10 months ago


Sandreli10 months ago

I realized that comparing with the previous io48 will not work if there will be 2 consecutive io48 with wrong values (slightly increased).

I tried using lastFuel but apparently it is not working :

Attribute: Fuel ```
``` Expr: (lastFuel && io48) ? ((io48- lastFuel) > 0 && (io48 - lastFuel) < 3 ) ? lastFuel : io48 * 0.70 : null ```

Does it not work to take previous computed attribute and only works to take previous attributes reported by the device ?
Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Previous computed attribute should work.