Difference between devicetime and fixtime

Hello, happy day to everyone, I have a situation that has become recurring and I cannot understand it:

I have a device that sends the "devicetime" to the traccar server correctly, however, the "fixtime" shows very different information (5 hours ahead), I would like to know why this happens and what I should do to solve it. Thanks to anyone who can help me clarify this.

SERVERTIME: 2024-01-10 11:28:02
DEVICETIME: 2024-01-10 11:28:02
FIXTIME: 2024-01-10 15:59:00

Anton Tananaeva year ago

This likely indicates a configuration problem or a device malfunction.

imarinkovica year ago

Do you have the server in UTC time?, seems to be that difference.

Try using UTC time on the devices and server (operating system) but local time at UI level.

Navneet Choudhary8 months ago

hello Grupo Datasoft Ltda,

is your problem resolved? if yes pls tell me how you solved this issue.

it will help me as i am facing same issue with GT06 protocol fixTime is always 5:30 behind then actual time.

Vaibhav Patel8 months ago

Hello Navneet.
I was also facing the same fixTime issue with GT06 protocol devices. I resolved it by setting the device time to UTC and the OS and Java time zones to IST. I hope this solution works for you.