TK909 version 2.0

Tusea year ago

Yes, there is for the smarthome application. But I would like to send TCP packet from TK905 to my smarthome. No need to authenticate to smarhome for this.
On the smarthome side, I just need to set and open the port where it will receive the data and the smarthome can process the data it receives.

Track-tracea year ago

Well, you need to check if the data comes in. Thats what logging is for. You could use Wireshark to listen on the incoming port to actually see if the data is coming in on your set port.

Tusea year ago

Unfortunately, no data is received. The moment I change the ip the GPRS connection stops working for some reason. This can be seen from the fact that the led does not flashing after the switchover, but lights up continuously.

Track-tracea year ago

Meaby it only flashes when it actually connects to the server. Did you ask the manufacturer ?

Tusea year ago

Yes, I asked. I'm waiting for the answer.

3RW4NFR9 months ago

Just bought a TK-909 (Version 2.0). Port is 5093. It's working. I had to add a rule for this port in the windows firewall and of course a port forwarding from the router to the the server using port 5093 again.
The GPRS light of the TK-909 will start blinking when he receives an answer from the traccar server. The answer is 4f4e in HEX and means "ON". With the firewall blocking it, the tracker never received the answer and the GPRS light stayed on.

Hoped this helped