Resizing map in the Reports/Combined

Angeloa year ago


it seems to me that map screen's height is fixed, I can't find a way change the height, right?

Track-tracea year ago

It doesnt help when you do not even reply you other topics.

Cristiana year ago

Angelo, only if you have the possibility to modify the code and compile it again
see here

Davida year ago

hi there,
had the same problem.
On (already installed) linux traccar server, just type (as root):

sed -i 's!\(containerMap:{flexBasis:"\)[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]%!\1'"$VALUE"'!g' /opt/traccar/modern/assets/index-*.js

systemctl restart traccar.service

Change VALUE to any number between 10 and 99 before and enjoy.

Angeloa year ago

sorry, which topic i failed to reply?

Angeloa year ago

This should work, but I'm running the docker image version of traccar, so rebuilding the app is not an option for now, the solution of @David below has the same approach but updating a installed version

Angeloa year ago

@David, it works! since i run the docker image version, after running the sed, no need to restart

David5 months ago

on new version 6.3 path of index-*.js changed:

sed -i 's!\(containerMap:{flexBasis:"\)[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]%!\1'"$VALUE"'!g' /opt/traccar/web/assets/index-*.js