Re-forward events & Position to Kafka

vrisha year ago

I'm forwarding events and positions from Traccar to Kafka. This works well.

When Kafka goes down, obviously Traccar can't forward the message.

Is there a way in which events / positions can be 're-triggered' to be forwarded to Kafka from within Traccar once Kafka comes back up? I am ok with manually re-triggering if needed.

I have fixed the Kafka issue, but there are about 1 full day's worth of messages that I need to be re-sent / forwarded.

Thank you

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Traccar has an option to retry position forwarding, but it stores it in memory.

vrisha year ago

True. And the configuration settings that I have is acceptable in case of temporary load scenarios.

However, in this situation, my Kafka crashed and it took me some time to restore it, but the positions & events received in the meanwhile are not on my Kafka so I can't process them further.

I checked the code and I'm not seeing any flags / tables where a confirmation is saved if a message is forwarded.

  1. Is my above assumption correct?
  2. Is there any other recommendation to re-trigger the forwards?
Anton Tananaeva year ago

Yeah, we don't store any flag. And there's no way to re-trigger it.

takdjout aminea year ago

can you give me an example of forwarding to kafka in config file traccar.xml a have this error message : Connection to node 1 (localhost/ could not be established. Broker may not be available.