Have you checked logs on both servers?
Yes. The second server receives the course in log file, but its the marker not rotating with course info. Example, in the log file i have the course=289.0 but the marker shows 0.0
<entry key='forward.url'>{uniqueId}&lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&timestamp={deviceTime}&bearing={course}&hdop={accuracy}&altitude={altitude}&speed={speed}</entry>
so the solution was "bearing={course}" and not "course={course}.
I am forwarding data to another server,
In.forward.url it sends everything right to another server excepts for the course of the devices.
There is any solution to send the course right?
I think i have all ok in the configuration file
<entry key='forward.enable'>true</entry> <entry key='forward.url'>http://URL:5055/?id={uniqueId}&lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&timestamp={deviceTime}&course={course}&hdop={accuracy}&altitude={altitude}&speed={speed}</entry>