Jimmy VL03 alarm1Status

Felipe Parente10 months ago

I have a problem with the VL03.
It is positioning normally, but from time to time, it is sending a repeat position, in the same location and with GMT advanced.
I had to access the database to verify this.

{"alarm1Status":213,"otherStatus":64,"alarm2Status":213,"alarm3Status":95,"engineStatus":1,"distance":0.0,"totalDistance":4787188.65,"motion":true," ignition":true,"charge":true,"hours":1700331766000}
Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Why is that a problem?

Felipe Parente10 months ago

The problem is that it is sending the normal positioning, with the correct time, but from time to time, it sends a positioning with an advanced time in the same fixed location, so, on the Traccar screen, it is always at the same point, but in the database, it is possible to observe the correct route positions.

I noticed that this fixed and wrong positioning always comes with these attributes.

Felipe Parente10 months ago

Sorry, reparsing the database, the fixtime column is frozen.
The servertime and devicetime columns are correct, but the fixtime always shows the same time in every position.

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

That usually means the device doesn't send a location or it doesn't have a GPS fix and sends old location. That is very normal.

Felipe Parente10 months ago

But it is sending the location normally, however, the fixtime column has a fixed time.
The vehicle is moving and in the database it is possible to observe the latitude and longitude fields changing.

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

But in the original message you said that it's sending repeat position. Now you're saying it is sending updated coordinates?

Cristian10 months ago

delete the device in Traccar (caution: the device data stored in Traccar is lost)
Send using sms the following commands to the device before adding it back to Traccar
gmt (depending on your time zone) this command is used like this:
A: E/W; E for East Time Zone, W for West Time Zone; Default: E B: 0 to 12; time zone; default: 8
C: 0/15/30/45; half time zone; default: 0

Then add the device back to Traccar

comment if that solves the problem