I am moving my traccar V4.14 to a new server (both Ubuntu), so far I have...
- Backed up the MySQL database from the old server
- Installed MySQL fresh on the new server
- Restored the MySQL back up to the new server
- Run the V5.9 traccar install on the new server
and I get the following error in the log file...
2023-11-07 20:28:49 INFO: Column tc_commands_queue.description dropped
2023-11-07 20:28:49 INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.5::changelog-5.5::author ran successfully in 956ms
2023-11-07 20:28:51 INFO: Columns motionstreak(BOOLEAN) added to tc_devices
2023-11-07 20:29:10 INFO: Table tc_reports created
2023-11-07 20:29:16 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_reports (calendarid)
2023-11-07 20:29:36 INFO: Table tc_user_report created
2023-11-07 20:29:59 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_user_report (userid)
2023-11-07 20:30:05 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_user_report (reportid)
2023-11-07 20:30:26 INFO: Table tc_group_report created
2023-11-07 20:30:29 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_group_report (groupid)
2023-11-07 20:30:52 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_group_report (reportid)
2023-11-07 20:30:53 INFO: Table tc_device_report created
2023-11-07 20:31:04 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_device_report (deviceid)
2023-11-07 20:31:36 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_device_report (reportid)
2023-11-07 20:31:36 INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.6::changelog-5.6::author ran successfully in 166637ms
2023-11-07 20:31:40 INFO: Columns commandid(INT) added to tc_notifications
2023-11-07 20:31:45 INFO: Foreign key constraint added to tc_notifications (commandid)
2023-11-07 20:31:45 INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.7::changelog-5.7::author ran successfully in 5912ms
2023-11-07 20:32:06 INFO: Column tc_devices.geofenceids dropped
2023-11-07 20:32:07 INFO: Columns geofenceids(VARCHAR(128)) added to tc_positions
2023-11-07 20:32:07 INFO: ChangeSet changelog-5.8::changelog-5.8::author ran successfully in 13812ms
2023-11-07 20:32:29 INFO: Columns calendarid(INT) added to tc_devices
2023-11-07 20:33:32 INFO: Operating system name: Linux version: 5.15.0-87-generic architecture: amd64
2023-11-07 20:33:32 INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Eclipse Adoptium version: 17.0.6+10
2023-11-07 20:33:32 INFO: Memory limit heap: 941mb non-heap: 0mb
2023-11-07 20:33:32 INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8
2023-11-07 20:33:32 INFO: Version: 5.9
2023-11-07 20:33:32 INFO: Starting server...
2023-11-07 20:33:32 INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2023-11-07 20:33:33 INFO: HikariPool-1 - Added connection com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl@6e4ea0bd
2023-11-07 20:33:33 INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2023-11-07 20:33:33 INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2023-11-07 20:33:33 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:33:43 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:33:53 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:34:04 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:34:14 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:34:24 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:34:34 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:34:44 INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2023-11-07 20:34:55 INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock
2023-11-07 20:34:55 INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2023-11-07 20:35:00 INFO: Reading from traccar.DATABASECHANGELOG
2023-11-07 20:35:51 INFO: Reading from traccar.DATABASECHANGELOG
2023-11-07 20:36:00 INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock
2023-11-07 20:36:00 INFO: Using deploymentId: 9389360421
2023-11-07 20:36:00 INFO: Reading from traccar.DATABASECHANGELOG
2023-11-07 20:36:00 ERROR: ChangeSet changelog-5.9::changelog-5.9::author encountered an exception.
2023-11-07 20:36:00 INFO: Update command encountered an exception.
2023-11-07 20:36:08 INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2023-11-07 20:36:08 INFO: Command execution complete
2023-11-07 20:36:08 ERROR: Main method error - Duplicate column name 'calendarid' - SQLSyntaxErrorException (... < DatabaseModule:96 < <gener:-1 < *:-1 < ... < MainModul
e:126 < ...)
2023-11-07 20:36:21 INFO: Operating system name: Linux version: 5.15.0-87-generic architecture: amd64
2023-11-07 20:36:21 INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Eclipse Adoptium version: 17.0.6+10
2023-11-07 20:36:21 INFO: Memory limit heap: 941mb non-heap: 0mb
2023-11-07 20:36:21 INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8
2023-11-07 20:36:21 INFO: Version: 5.9
I have checked all the tables and cannot find a duplicate 'calendarid' in any table, so I presume the error must be generated from a JOIN somewhere ?
Any help in fixing this would be very grateful :-)
Well, you won't find it because it fails on trying to add a duplicate calendarid
So is it this command that fails...
2023-11-07 20:32:29 INFO: Columns calendarid(INT) added to tc_devices
I see you had this:
Waiting for changelog lock....
It indicated that you had a lock. It probably means that you had a partially executed migration. You have to fix those before remove the lock.
I had the similiar issue, I backup up devices, users, table and imported on a fresh install.
I retried the upgrade for a third time, and it worked ???
Thanks all for the advice :-)
I am moving my traccar V4.14 to a new server (both Ubuntu), so far I have...
and I get the following error in the log file...
I have checked all the tables and cannot find a duplicate 'calendarid' in any table, so I presume the error must be generated from a JOIN somewhere ?
Any help in fixing this would be very grateful :-)