Most likely you're missing some events.
I can confirm - something strange with new reports.
E.g. If I display the trip report by selecting "Yesterday", I see 3 trips on November 6, 2023. However, if I select "this week" or "this month", I see only 2 trips on the same day, and the start and end times are slightly different. (this lost trip wasn't short - 26 km and the interval between the end of this trip and the start of the next one was about 30 minutes )
I don't think the "fast report" feature is working very well yet.
I set report.fastThreshold to 2 months and the reports started working properly.
do we have any other configuration parameters for these reports apart from changing the threshold ? So that they are fast but do not lose whole trips.
This is a request for the current week.
Current time 2023-11-07T13:54:00.000
In the system, is the first day of the week Sunday?
This is customizable
do we have any other configuration parameters for these reports apart from changing the threshold ?
I'm from Russia.
If I change the code in the ReportConfigController.js module to this
case 'thisWeek':
day = from.getDay() + 1;
first = from.getDate() - day - 1;
to.setDate(first + 7);
Globally, I’m not breaking anything?
You can set the locale for each user
for modern you need to change it somewhere else.
in the module\github\traccar\traccar-web\modern\src\reports\components\ReportFilter.jsx
case 'thisWeek':
selectedFrom = moment().startOf('isoWeek');
selectedTo = moment().endOf('isoWeek');
case 'previousWeek':
selectedFrom = moment().subtract(1, 'week').startOf('isoWeek');
selectedTo = moment().subtract(1, 'week').endOf('isoWeek');
Trips for the current and previous day are available. Not for the current week
There are no trips for the current month.