suntech ST3300R PROBLEM

GDS3 years ago

hi, i have a suntech st3300r gps with a temperature sensor, i can't see the temperature values ​​and the SOS button
attached data string

[ 16:34:30 ] RES;STT;0580038156;BFFFFF;58;2.0.76;1;20220902;21:34:29;02CB7A52;732;123;05C3;65;+4.607826;-74.072008;0.00;0.00;0;0;00000001;00000000;2;0;5248;00808007;0.0;12.15;+21.2;508;42510C030000000D

Do I have to make any updates to the protocol?

Thank you.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Are you sure they're not decoded as generic IO values?

GDS3 years ago

I'm sorry, I'm new to this traccar platform, I don't understand, somehow I have to configure some parameter in the platform and if I have to, what parameter should I modify?

sorry for my english, I write from Colombia

Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Is this sample decoded by Traccar? What attributes does the decoded position have?

GDS3 years ago

this sample is the one that comes out of the gps device st 3300R some attributes are displayed in traccar, but the temperature and SOS data is not shown in the traccar platform.

[ 16:34:30 ] RES;STT;0580038156;BFFFFF;58;2.0.76;1;20220902;21:34:29;02CB7A52;732;123;05C3;65;+4.607826;-74.072008;0.00;0.00;0;0;00000001;00000000;2;0;5248;00808007;0.0;12.15;+21.2;508;42510C030000000D

this is the temperature data +21.2;508;

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What attributes do you see in Traccar for this sample?

GDS3 years ago

good day,
the attached link the images of traccar with the data that comes from the gps sample does not show temperature data.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Coordinates don't match your sample, so it's not the same thing.

GDS3 years ago

attached current data

[ 09:30:39 ] RES;STT;0580038156;BFFFFF;58;2.0.76;1;20220903;14:30:39;02CB7E9F;732;123;05C3;65;+4.606915;-74.072855;0.00;0.00;0;0;00000000;00000000;0;0;5282;00808007;0.0;12.15;+19.5;510;42510C030000000D

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I just tested your sample and it's not decoded at all by Traccar. I guess I would have to ask for a proof now. Provide logs clearly showing that it's decoded.

GDS2 years ago

I have a suntech ST3310w gps with temperature sensor. the traccar platform only recognizes my location and some other attribute, I cannot see readings from the temperature sensor or panic button.
Is there an update of the Suntech universal protocol for traccar?

Thank you..

estebanmga year ago

I'm encountering a similar issue where additional data isn't being mapped as IO values in Traccar. Below is the hexadecimal message received from the device:


The corresponding decoded string is:


In the configuration for the default device profile, the last three values are set as additional attributes. They signify the battery voltage, power line voltage, and the reading from a temperature sensor, respectively.

Could someone shed light on why these values are not properly mapped in Traccar? Is there a specific device attribute that should be adjusted, or is this a known issue with a workaround? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What's your configuration?

estebanmga year ago

On the Traccar server, I've attempted various configurations at the device attribute level without success:

No configuration, relying on Traccar's defaults.
suntech.protocolType = 1 (currently exploring other potential values for this setting).

Previously, I used a different device (ST3310U) that also reported via the Universal Protocol. When I added extra header values (as I'm doing now), it automatically mapped them as IO, which allowed me to utilize computed attributes to get the desired values.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Only binary version supports IO values.