Wonlex gps watch (KT17S 4G) > Failed to store position - Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value

Track-trace22 years ago

I see, ok in that case you wont be able to change it (resetting wont help), and they cant change it either without changing the firmware. How many watches did you receive ?

ML2 years ago


We receveid 4 watchs for testing.

Wonlex, just confirm me that is not possible to change upload interval by sms command.

It can be change based on the watch protocol (server command).

You know how can I do it ?

I got Wonlex protocol and how I can share it ?


Track-trace2 years ago

Yeah, i already told you to sent it as custom command. From the device popup window on the map, at the bottom choose the up arrow button, choose New / custom command, fill in the field: upload,60

Then send the command. Tomorrow ill check your topic.

Track-trace22 years ago

Let me know if setting the upload interval worked. I also noticed that your watch can do videocalling. Did they also provide a solution for that with your traccar server ?

Track-trace2 years ago

@ML No reply?

ML2 years ago


Sorry to answer only now ...

Send custom command (upload,60) from traccar worked !!!
I notice that gps was already active but default value as upload,60000 is to long for take a gps localisation.

I haven't had time to use video call yet. I will report back on the forum if I have lead.

Thanks Track-trace and Track-trace2 for your assistance.

Herlon Souza2 years ago


Alguém sabe me informar se os relógio wonlex está funcionando na traccar ?

Alguem consegue me mandar o procotolo (redacted)?

Qual a porta usada ?

Track-trace2 years ago

Hi Herlon,

if your watch does not use encryption then it will work on the watch port which is 5093

If needed you can post the log hex here from the device.

Herlon Souza2 years ago

Muito obrigado @Rastrear!

josa year ago

I have a watch to but how do i change the url?
What is the sms code or is there a programming tool?

greatings jos

Track-tracea year ago

Hoi Jos, which model watch do you have?

josa year ago

I have the G4CH i think it is a wonlex.
Or form watchtocare i am not shore.

Track-tracea year ago

This watch has videocalling so you cant change the ip/url since it is baked in the firmware. Only by changing the firmware and flash the watch again it can be done.
But surely they wont give it to you.