Translate device location to what?
I expressed it badly,
I'll show the log and explain better:
10/19/2023 15:21:11 INFORMATION: [T7df4df04: xexun2 <] faaf001406cf8697310593128840006fcc7d020035003500653173641300640202069 408 c77ada94cdd4ab82464561bc14de39c054ecbbe4e0c50a7f76b28cc5b4ed52bfb0d8778b094ec1b000653173781300640202069408c77ada94c8d4ab82464561be14de39 c054 ecbae4e0c50a7f76b3840112c182e1b0bc0f9ae23a76b0faaf
2023-10-19 15:21:11 INFO: [T7df4df04] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-18 21:30:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97618, speed: 0, 5, stroke: 0.0
2023-10-19 15:21:11 INFO: [T7df4df04] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-18 21:30:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97618, speed: 0, 5, stroke: 0.0
10/19/2023 15:21:11 INFORMATION: [T7df4df04: xexun2 >] faaf001406cf86973105931288400001ffe01faaf
10/19/2023 15:21:45 INFORMATION: [T7df4df04: xexun2 <] faaf001406d08697310593128840006fcd730200350035006531738c13006402020 694 08c77ada94c8d4ab82464561be14de39c054ecbae4e0c50a7f76b3840112c182e1b0bc0f9ae23a76b000653173a01300640202069408c77ada94c8d4ab8246456 1be14de3 9c054ecbae4e0c50a7f76b3840112c182e1b0bc0f9ae23a76b0faaf
10/19/2023 15:21:45 INFO: [T7df4df04] id: 869731059312884, time: 10/18/2023 21:30:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97618, speed: 0, 5, stroke: 0.0
10/19/2023 15:21:45 INFO: [T7df4df04] id: 869731059312884, time: 10/18/2023 21:30:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97618, speed: 0, 5, stroke: 0.0
10/19/2023 15:21:45 INFORMATION: [T7df4df04: xexun2 >] faaf001406d086973105931288400001ffe01faaf
10/19/2023 15:22:25 INFORMATION: [T7df4df04: xexun2 <] faaf001406d18697310593128840006fcb76020035003500653173b413006402020 694 08c77ada94cad4ab82464561c214de39c054ecb9e4e0c50a7f76b79ca2f4f30c17b5a8b13ba1b743b400653173c81200640202069408c77ada94cad4ab82464561c21 4de 39c054ecb9e4e0c50a7f76b79ca2f4f30c17b5a8b13ba1b743b4faaf
10/19/2023 15:22:25 INFO: [T7df4df04] id: 869731059312884, time: 10/18/2023 21:30:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97618, speed: 0, 5, stroke: 0.0
10/19/2023 15:22:25 INFO: [T7df4df04] id: 869731059312884, time: 10/18/2023 21:30:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97618, speed: 0, 5, stroke: 0.0
the method
private double convertCoordinate(double value) {
double degrees = Math.floor(value/100);
double minutes = value - degrees * 100;
return degrees + minutes/60;
is converting to the next coordinate
latitude: -29.97532, longitude: -51.97618,
and the device is located at the following coordinates:
latitude: -29.1859205
That's not a real Traccar log.
I took it from the opt/traccar/logs folder,
I will send you an update in real time, see:
2023-10-21 20:02:42 INFO: user: 1, action: login, from:
2023-10-21 20:02:55 INFO: [T42f9e46a: xexun2 <] faaf0014029e86973105931288400043e6c302001f001f006534587c10806402600014 000005c0b3fa44c2507209c0a6be4af4f0d845006534589010806402600012000005c0b3fa4455864453c0a6be49bcfd4bf1faaf
2023-10-21 20:02:55 INFO: [T42f9e46a] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-21 20:02:20, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97619, speed: 1.1, course: 0.0
2023-10-21 20:02:55 INFO: [T42f9e46a] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-21 20:02:40, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97619, speed: 1.0, course: 0.0
2023-10-21 20:02:55 INFO: [T42f9e46a: xexun2 >] faaf0014029e86973105931288400001fffe01faaf
2023-10-21 20:03:26 INFO: [Td109fd16] timed out
2023-10-21 20:03:26 INFO: [Td109fd16] disconnected
2023-10-21 20:03:34 INFO: [T42f9e46a: xexun2 <] faaf0014029f86973105931288400043e84602001f001f00653458a410806402600019 000005c0b3fa43eb5b2d4ec0a6be4a3055326200653458b81080640260000b000005c0b3fa44710cb296c0a6be4b37c99aeafaaf
2023-10-21 20:03:34 INFO: [T42f9e46a] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-21 20:03:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97618, speed: 1.3, course: 0.0
2023-10-21 20:03:34 INFO: [T42f9e46a] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-21 20:03:20, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97619, speed: 0.6, course: 0.0
2023-10-21 20:03:34 INFO: [T42f9e46a: xexun2 >] faaf0014029f86973105931288400001fffe01faaf
2023-10-21 20:04:15 INFO: [T42f9e46a: xexun2 <] faaf001402a086973105931288400043e7f802001f001f00653458cc108064026000120 00005c0b3fa44df266ba5c0a6be4c58255b0400653458e01080640260002b000005c0b3fa45436b8f9cc0a6be4ed677707afaaf
2023-10-21 20:04:15 INFO: [T42f9e46a] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-21 20:03:40, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97619, speed: 1.0, course: 0.0
2023-10-21 20:04:15 INFO: [T42f9e46a] id: 869731059312884, time: 2023-10-21 20:04:00, lat: -29.97532, lon: -51.97619, speed: 2.3, course: 0.0
2023-10-21 20:04:15 INFO: [T42f9e46a: xexun2 >] faaf001402a086973105931288400001fffe01faaf
You can also access and see:
password: demo
Can you help me on how to get the precise location with these xexun2 protocols?
I will be forever grateful
Are you saying location is not decoded correctly? Or device is not reporting the correct location? You need to figure that out first.
I believe it is not decoding correctly, because when pointing to the manufacturer's platform it locates precisely,
I would like to know if there is something that I can convert degrees exactly, I don't really know.
Check against the protocol documentation first to confirm your suspicion.
The earlier messages are WiFi Mac addresses rather than a GPS lat/long, so the parsed lat/long won't be as accurate as you expect
I have a DDX14 device that uses the xexun 2 protocol that connects to traccar, but according to the log it doesn't send accuracy and I can't accurately translate the device's location, has anyone experienced this?