Missing io values from teltonika device (FMB001)

bernhardra year ago

I tried to get the "fuel rate" from a FMB001 teltonika device (io60) but could not find it in the cars detail page / database.

start detail page

Parameter	Name	Wert
id		14553
deviceId		1
protocol	Protokoll	teltonika
serverTime	Serverzeit	2023-09-21 15:05:14
deviceTime	Gerätezeit	2023-09-21 15:04:47
fixTime	Fix Time	2023-09-21 15:04:47
outdated		Nein
valid	Gültig	Ja
latitude	Breitengrad	48.275720°
longitude	Längengrad	13.759763°
altitude	Höhe	357.00 m
speed	Geschwindigkeit	0.00 km/h
course	Richtung	↑
address	Adresse	Adresse anzeigen
accuracy	Genauigkeit	0
priority		0
sat	Satelliten	19
event	Ereignis	0
ignition	Zündung	Nein
motion	Bewegung	Nein
io80		0
rssi	RSSI	2
io69		1
pdop	PDOP	0.9
hdop	HDOP	0.6
power	Versorgungsspannung	12.411 V
io24		0
battery	Batterie	0 V
io68		0
io13		10
io15		1000
tripOdometer	Kilometerzähler - Trip	0.00 km
odometer	Kilometerzähler	32708.72 km
io12		35453
io11		8943030190
io238		0
io14		2002274401
distance	Distanz	0.00 km
totalDistance	Gesamt Strecke	149.15 km 
hours	Stunden	3 h 47 m 

end detail page

So i parsed an entry from the server log where IO60 definitely is present.

log file entry

2023-09-21 07:00:20  INFO: [Te3037b75: teltonika <] 
2023-09-21 07:00:20  INFO: [Te3037b75] id: 354017110884828, time: 2023-09-21 07:00:18, lat: 48.27141, lon: 13.76020, speed: 34.0, course: 357.0
2023-09-21 07:00:20  INFO: [Te3037b75: teltonika >] 00000001

end log file entry

parsed log file entry for above data

0000008c 140 bytes
codec: 8e
num of data: 01
TS: 0000018ab61c3ad0
prio: 00
GPS: 0833a3d01cc5a1f4017101650d003f
avl_id: 0000
num total IO: 0014 -> 20

num of 1 byte IO 0005 -> 5 

1 ID: 00ef -> 239 Ignition
1 value: 01
2 ID: 00f0 -> 240 Movement
2 value: 01
3 ID: 0050 -> 80 Data Mode
3 value: 01
4 ID: 0015 -> 21 GSM signal
4 value: 02
5 ID: 0045 -> 69 GNSS Status
5 value: 01

num of two byte values 0009 -> 9

1 ID: 00b5 -> 181 GNSS PDOP
1 value: 000a
2 ID: 00b6 -> 182 GNSS HDOP
2 value: 0007
3 ID: 0042 -> 66 external voltage 
3 value: 36e2
4 ID: 0018 -> 24 Speed
4 value: 003f
5 ID: 0043 -> 67 Battery voltage
5 value: 1006
6 ID: 0044 -> 68 Battery current
6 value: 0000
7 ID: 000d -> 13 Fuel rate GPS
7 value: 000a
8 ID: 000f -> 15 Eco score
8 03e8 = 1000
**9 ID: 003c -> 60 Fuel rate**
9 0002

num 4 byte value 0003 -> 3
1 00c7 -> 199 Trip odometer
1 00000000
2 0010 -> 16 Total Odometer
2 01f31483
3 000c -> 12 Fuel Used GPS
3 00008a65
4 0003 -> 3 Digital Input
4 000b0000

num 8 bytes 0002 

end parsed log file entry for above data

Does anyone have an idea why some IO values are not parsed by the server?

many thanks in advance

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Traccar parses all IO values. If you don't see it, most like you're not looking at the matching records.

bernhardra year ago

As i only have 1 device connected to the server i consider seeing all io values ever being transmitted from this 1 tracker to the server in the details page of this tracker.
At least 1 value for io60 has been sent (proved by decoding raw data) , but it does not show in the device details page. Do i misunderstand something here?

thanks in advance Anton

Anton Tananaeva year ago

At least one value? We don't copy values if they're missing by default.

bernhardra year ago

Well i didn't parse all log entries ... just picked 1 and there was an entry for io60. I don't think this is just good luck.
I could decode more log entries but this would be sort of timeconsuming ;).
Do you have a command line tool or similar to make decoding more comfortable? Doing it manually is sort of a pain

Does this also mean that if you see an io value only for - lets say - x times or less they are not copied to DB?
Seems strange ...


Anton Tananaeva year ago

Copied to DB? I don't understand what you mean by that.

bernhardra year ago

You said "We don't copy values if they're missing by default." ... thought you meant copy to database ... so maybe you meant copy to UI? The question is what do you mean by "Don't copy values" ?
Or to be more clear: What does missing by default mean? How often do they have to be present to be handled?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I mean copy from one message to message. For example if last message had io60, but the current one doesn't, it's possible to copy it over, but that's not enabled by default.

bernhardra year ago

I see ... thanks for clarification.
So is there a way to extend logging to see the io60 values when they occur?
The log only shows the values for:
lat: 48.27141, lon: 13.76020, speed: 34.0, course: 357.0
although there are lots more

bernhardra year ago

I am sorry ... just found the documentation for traccar logging

<entry key = 'logger.level'>fine</entry>

i will try this ...

Anton Tananaeva year ago

just found the documentation for traccar logging

Don't do it. It won't give any useful information, but you will get a lot of garbage.

bernhardra year ago

Thank you for the warning. I just reverted the changes ;)
Any other way to shed light on this?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

There are many things you can do. You can configure attribute copying. You can enable raw message storage.