traccar for ios client, does not update if app is closed

kritikosx2 years ago

hi i just found traccar and installed the integration on home assistant and then took that webhook and put it on my traccar ios client app... i can see my device and it tracks fine while the traccar app on ios is running, if i close the app it will no longer update. i have the app to location always allow and precise, i do not see it as an option in background refresh. is there a way to have it work regardless if the app is running or not? if i were to setup a traccar server and link my iphone to it then link the server to home assistant will that fix this is?

also what is the difference of running just the traccar integration on ha and put that link in ios client app vs running traccar server and then having ha point to that?


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

What do you mean exactly by closing the app? If you kill the app, obviously it will stop reporting.

kritikosx2 years ago

i guess killing the app, like swipe up on it and then it is no longer running.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Yeah, swiping up the app kills it.

kritikosx2 years ago

so i am assuming there is no way that it can run in the background, anything to do to fix this? also what is the difference the way i have my setup vs setting up the actual server ?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

There's no way around it. If you kill the app, nothing can be done after that point.

Server is completely unrelated to this.

kritikosx2 years ago

damn, okay. i know running server is unrelated but does running the server do the same thing as how i use it now or is there more data features?