Driver ID Event and Trips

hornyakn2 years ago


I use teltonika devices and RFID for driver identification. Sometimes in Traccar in Trips did not show the Driver, but if I check the events, there is DriverID too.

These are the events:
This is the Trip:

In first row no driverid, but as you see there is data at the events. This was happend many times already.
Whats wrong? Some misconfiguration or bug?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Probably driver id is not included in every location report.

hornyakna year ago

Driver ID's...

With these settings:

    <entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDuration'>3</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDistance'>3</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalParkingDuration'>60</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalNoDataDuration'>60</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.useIgnition'>true</entry>

Looks like this:

With the settings:

    <entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDuration'>3</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDistance'>3</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalParkingDuration'>30</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.minimalNoDataDuration'>30</entry>
    <entry key='report.trip.useIgnition'>true</entry>

Like this:

I really did not understand how this software works, collect and parse the datas :(