after 4.15 update not starting

Morgan3 years ago

I followed the upgrade instructions and updated Traccar does not start

2022-01-27 13:55:32  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2022-01-27 13:55:33 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.0.206/5] - MVStoreException (... < DataManager:131 < *:90 < Context:298 < Main:120 < ...)
2022-01-27 13:55:33 ERROR: Main method error - The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.0.206/5] - MVStoreException (... < DataManager:131 < *:90 < Context:298 < Main:120 < ...)
2022-01-27 13:55:33  WARN: JNA: Callback org.traccar.WindowsService$ServiceMain@723e88f9 threw the following exception - The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.0.206/5] - MVStoreException (... < DataManager:131 < *:90 < Context:298 < Main:120 < ...)
Morgan3 years ago

I folowed these instructions

Make a database backup
Backup your config file
Remove old version of Traccar (i did this by uninstalling)
Install new version of Traccar
Restore config file
Start Traccar service

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Check this:

Also, I strongly recommend against using H2 database for production.

Morgan3 years ago

That worked great!
Thank you

enigz3 years ago

I agree with Anton. Even for testing I am using MySQL (Thanks to the advice not to use the h2 database for production) and the upgrade process is much easier.

Tomte2 years ago


I had the above issue when moving to 4.15. Today, I want to move to 5.9. and I seem to have the same thing again:
2023-09-03 18:25:07 INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting... 2023-09-03 18:25:14 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - The write format 2 is smaller than the supported format $ 2023-09-03 18:25:14 ERROR: Main method error - The write format 2 is smaller than the supported format 3 [2.2.220/5] - MVStoreException (.$

Does this mean, I need to do the same thing as in the link above, migrating to a new version of H2? Has someone done this? Which Version of H2 do I need now?
Can I migrate all my data to mysql? And how would I backup it, then?
Regards, Dieter

Tomte2 years ago

I managed to convert the H2 database with the following command, like the way shown in the link above:

java -cp ./h2-2.0.206.jar -url jdbc:h2:./database -user sa -script -options compression zip

java -cp ./h2-2.2.222.jar -url jdbc:h2:./database_new -user sa -script -options compression zip

It seems that this works. However, if someone feels to show how to migrate to something better, this would be appreciated. With the dump of the first command , this might be possible.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

There are a few threads on the forum about migrating to another database.