Import position from Zello Api to traccar

Medica year ago

Hi ! We use Zello Work for our volunteer medical department, which provide GPS Position from the PTT Radios and put it on their own map (zello map). We have access to the API to get the location of each radio.

Since Traccar is more powerful and allow us to put some overlays and other points of interest and allow us to track devices that are not a Zello radio, we would like to import gps tracking for the devices using Zello API along with other devices that will have the traccar client.

Is it something that we can do ?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

In theory it should be possible to implement.

RastreameMXa year ago


In your case @Medic, as provisional solution, i would write a PHP script (could be a perl script, bash script...) that retrieves location from Zello servers using cURL through API you mention. Then, my script should compare if position has changed from last check, and if answer is yes, then it should send http request (using curl maybe?) to Traccar server using osmand protocol (port 5055) giving as parameters ?id=id_on_traccar&lat=latitude&lon=longitude&other_relevant_parameter=parameter_value
Script could be added to cron tasks to be executed each x minutes (5 minutes by example), and voila, you get zello position changes each 5 minutes.


Medica year ago

Hi Eduardo ! Thanks a lot. Any chance we could discuss in private or by email because we don't have that much knowledge in coding and scripts. Thanks

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Just a reminder that we don't allow sharing personal contact information on the forum.

sercontri7 months ago

Hello, I was just looking for the same thing to be able to get the positions of the group's teammates on a specific map without using the desktop version of Zello. Has anything been achieved around here? Thank you.