cannot get POI layer to work

LX2 years ago

The POI layer option is a great idea but I cannot get it to work. I have

  • upgraded to 5.8
  • downloaded test.kml from and put it in /opt/traccar/modern
  • tried that https://myserver.xy/test.kml gets me the test.kml file
  • added <entry key='web.origin'>*</entry> to traccar.xml
  • set POI layer to /test.kml in the server preferences

but I do not see any POIs in the map. The log file does not show an error. I am not sure how to use the console to help me debugging this problem.

Now I have run out of ideas. Any suggestions?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Check the network tab in your browser to see if the file is requested.

LX2 years ago

Looks like it isn't.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Then something is probably not configured correctly.

LX2 years ago

Sure. But I am running out of ideas. Fresh installation. Same database. What else can I do?
And just to be sure: with "to see if the file is requested" you mean that my browser should really fetch test.kml along with all the *.png and *.svg?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Not sure what pngs and svgs you're talking about, but it should fetch the kml file.

LX2 years ago

OK, I did some more checks:

  • in a fresh installation, test.kml (and other kml files I prepared) all worked and the respective files are fetched correctly
  • if I transfer my database (mysql) from the old installation to the new one, it does not work any more

=> any hints as to where to look in the old database to fix this? (I have been upgrading several times from older versions)
=> any suggestions as to how I can make a clean start and transfer users, groups and devices from my old database to the new one?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You just need to figure out why it doesn't work with the old database. Check both user and server settings.

LX2 years ago

I just tried configuring test.kml in my user settings (for the first time). Interestingly, there it works... I still do not understand why it does not work in the server settings but I can live with telling every user to set this option...


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

My guess it that you already had something (possibly empty string) in the user settings. User settings override server settings. So it didn't work.

LX2 years ago

Tried - this is not the solution. On the other hand, I just created a map with several locations in Google My Maps, performed a kml export and could use this kml file right away without any need for further conversion.

Now I will need to figure out a way to change the icon (size). I found a couple of previous posts which did not help. Will dig deeper.

Thanks so much for your great work and excellent support, Anton,

henry beltrana year ago

I had the same problem, the solution I found is modifying the tc_servers table, with NULL where there are empty values. I think this happens when you update traccar from really old versions using mysql