Map Refresh?

Moto19872 years ago

I installed the Traccar server on my Ubuntu server two days ago and have already successfully registered 6 devices. But now I have the problem that the map is not updated.
When a car leaves the "edge" of the map (on screen) the map doesn't zoom out until I manually reload it.
I switched from PhoneTrack (Nextcloud) to Traccar, with PhoneTrack you could set the map to update every 30 seconds, for example.
Is this also possible with Traccar and if so, what do I have to set/enter where?

best regards Moto

Johannes Häfner2 years ago

Hey Moto,

you can enable Live route in Settings.
Log in and go to Settings -> Map
Select Live route for active device or all devices.


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

There's the "follow" checkbox in the preferences.

Moto19872 years ago

Thanks so far!
I found the setting and it seems to work. But when a car came back, the zoom of the map didn't change.
Can I set that too? So that the map automatically zooms depending on where the cars are all?
So zoom out very far when the cars are far away and zoom in when they are back at the base.

I Know noob questions.....

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

There's no option for zoom, as far as I remember.