Reports loading very slow

andrii.work2 years ago

Hello All.
I have small problem, reports loading very slow.
I add video to google drive, maybe someone knows how to solve this problem?
Thanks to everyone!

Link ---> Google Drive Video

2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 0 @ 2.00GHz
Windows Server 2019 version: 10.0 architecture: amd64
Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Eclipse Adoptium version: 17.0.6+10
Memory limit heap: 22528mb non-heap: 0mb
Character encoding: Cp1252 charset: windows-1252
Version: 5.8
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Which reports? What makes you think it's slow? How much data are you extracting?

andrii.work2 years ago

Trips Reports.
Every day car ride +-200KM.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

That doesn't not answer my question. Number of locations?

andrii.work2 years ago

Sorry. I did not understand the question very well. Do you mean the number of points on the map that I extract?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Number of locations for the devices and time period you're doing the report for.

andrii.work2 years ago

File Report
Can I send you report file?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I don't need a report file. I need an answer to my question.

andrii.work2 years ago

Locations - 64.
Period - 01.07.2023 : 31.07.2023

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It's very hard to believe that it only reported 2 locations per day. It definitely won't be slow in that case.

RastreameMX2 years ago

What type of database are you using

andrii.work2 years ago


RastreameMX2 years ago

Did you do speed tests on MySQL queries directly from database to discard some trouble with your MySQL instance?

In your place, i would check for wrong configurations about MySQL driver in traccar.xml file, wrong configurations about database storage engine inside MySQL (MyISAM, InnoDB), maybe would consider to uninstall MySQL and try MariaDB or alternate database management system.

Hope you find the problem, and would be great if you share your solution.


andrii.work2 years ago

@Eduardo S

Hello. I install Microsoft SQL, migrate all information from MySQL but its not help :(
Reports loading very slow.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

And you still insist that you only have 2 locations per day? Do you have a proof? Provide route report for the same period.