Traccar Manager push notification error

Zuhairi2 years ago


i'm using Traccar the latest release 5.8 on Windows. It was running very well but recently i'm facing an issue when enabling the Push Notification where from the log its showing there is an error as below

error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)

Below are the code config use

     <entry key='database.driver'></entry>
     <entry key='database.url'>jdbc:sqlserver://SVR\SQLEXPRESS;user=*******;password=******@;databaseName=traccar;trustServerCertificate=true;</entry> 
    <entry key='database.user'>*******</entry>
    <entry key='database.password'>********</entry>
     <entry key='geolocation.enable'>true</entry>
     <entry key='geolocation.reuse'>true</entry>  
     <entry key='geocoder.onRequest'>true</entry>
     <entry key='geocoder.ignorePositions'>true</entry>
     <entry key='geocoder.reuseDistance'>1000</entry>  
     <entry key=''>true</entry>
     <entry key='filter.invalid'>true</entry> 
     <entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
     <entry key='filter.duplicate'>true</entry> 
     <entry key='coordinates.filter'>true</entry>
     <entry key='coordinates.minError'>50</entry>
     <entry key='coordinates.maxError'>300000</entry>
     <entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,traccar</entry>
     <entry key='notificator.traccar.key'>4545H4gdfgdfgd***jAxM30uSDlId1pyeU1tcDk3dm44c1Y1NE5pYnd3SEpFRFRJSjJqUFQ3eWpLZnMrbw</entry>

I've tried to disable the channel "traccar" and so far no error received. can you assist me on this as i really need to use the push notification for the Traccar Manager.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Is it a one-off error or you get it every time? If every time, double check the key, the notification device token and the notification template.

Zuhairi2 years ago

Hi Anton,

the error triggered on the notification assign to Traccar channel and repetitively received every 5 seconds.

yes, the api key above is incorrect as i thought it was not secure if i post the real code here.

below are the API key that i'm using is [redacted]

below are the log files

2023-07-25 07:28:08  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] connected
2023-07-25 07:28:08  INFO: [Tbe7ac730: teltonika <] 000f333534303138313130353733333230
2023-07-25 07:28:09  INFO: [Tbe7ac730: teltonika >] 01
2023-07-25 07:28:11  INFO: [Tbe7ac730: teltonika <] 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
2023-07-25 07:28:11  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] id: 354018110573320, time: 2023-07-24 17:30:13, lat: 3.00702, lon: 101.44075, course: 0.0
2023-07-25 07:28:11  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] id: 354018110573320, time: 2004-01-01 08:00:17, lat: 3.00702, lon: 101.44075, course: 0.0
2023-07-25 07:28:11  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] id: 354018110573320, time: 2023-07-24 17:37:58, lat: 3.00702, lon: 101.44075, course: 0.0
2023-07-25 07:28:11  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] id: 354018110573320, time: 2023-07-24 17:37:58, lat: 3.00702, lon: 101.44075, course: 0.0
2023-07-25 07:28:11  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] id: 354018110573320, time: 2023-07-24 17:39:59, lat: 3.00702, lon: 101.44075, course: 0.0
2023-07-25 07:28:11  INFO: Position filtered by Duplicate filters from device: 354018110573320
2023-07-25 07:28:12  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:13  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:14  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:14  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:15  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:16  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:17  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:17  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
2023-07-25 07:28:18  INFO: [Tbe7ac730] error - MessageBodyReader not found for media type=text/plain;charset=utf-8, type=interface javax.json.JsonObject, genericType=interface javax.json.JsonObject. - MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException (... < NotificatorTraccar:106 < NotificationManager:110 < ... < *:107 < ... < *:106 < *:148 < BaseEventHandler:40 < ...)
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Check the API response using something like Wireshark.

Zuhairi2 years ago

ok will check it and update u back

Zuhairi2 years ago

hi Anton,

i'm using reqbin and i managed to get this

Zuhairi2 years ago


this is what i captured from the server

Zuhairi2 years ago

hi Anton,

i'm using reqbin and i managed to get this

i notice that the error only happen if i ignore the notification from my phone traccar manager apps and it will keep on sending the notification every 5 second to my phone and stop once i open it.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Your reqbin screenshot doesn't make any sense to me unfortunately. The endpoint and the payload are both completely incorrect. It doesn't seem like it was a serious attempt to make a valid request to the API.

Wireshark screen is not helpful either. It's just a random list of network messages. You didn't look for the request and response?

Based on what I see, I don't think you have enough technical skill to debug it further on your own.

Zuhairi2 years ago

yes i dont have skill on debugging

Zuhairi2 years ago

Hi Anton,

i'm managed to get the debugging data and perhap if you could provide me with your email address so i can send it.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

We don't provide free support outside of this forum, but you can find the email address on the support page.

Zuhairi2 years ago

is any suggestion so i could send you the debugging result ?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Share the results here.

Zuhairi2 years ago

Hi anton,

Below are the result

and here is the debugging captured during the error triggered

Debugging log