Como habilita para o usuario sem ser o admin poder gerenciar geocercas

Danilo Costa2 years ago

Boa tarde, estava tentando gerar uma geocerca com usuario comum e apresenta o seguinte erro

Write access denied - SecurityException (PermissionsService:119 < *:126 < BaseObjectResource:70 < ... < OverrideFilter:50 < ...)
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It seems like your user is readonly (or the whole server is readonly), so it can't manage anything.

Danilo Costa2 years ago

Eu fiz o servidor, o usuario admin consegue gerenciar as geocercas, porem criei um usuario que não é admin ele não pode definir geocercas sistema 5.8

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Your comment seems to be completely unrelated to what I said. You need to check the read-only flag.

Danilo Costa2 years ago

sua resposta me deu uma luz obrigado
deixei flegado apenas
Dispositivos somente leitura
Limite de Comandos
Sem alteração de e-mail

Com isso o usuario consegue gerenciar seus mapas e criar geocerca

leogeolgrv2 years ago

regards anton in version 5.7 to 5.8 the geofences of the old version gave me problems with multiple devices they reached the limit of the geofences and turned red and did not transmit positions update new ones they are left in the limit of the geofences delete the geofences and started working

leogeolgrv2 years ago

Before finding the solution, I deleted devices and entered them again. I reached the limit of the geofence and the same thing now I am going to create a geofence in version 5.8, see if it presents the same problem

leogeolgrv2 years ago

Create the new geofence and when the car arrived it stopped transmitting positions and stayed red, what is the solution for that, Anton?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Device stopped transmitting or there's some error on the server? You have to find the root cause first before we can talk about any solution.

leogeolgrv2 years ago

when it enters the old geofence backed up in the previous version, it stops transmitting

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You already said that.