Why dont you write what errors you get and what errors you see in traccar logfile?
Im sure anyone willing to help you would need to know those details to be able to give you advice.
If you're using H2 database, it's not going to be as simple. You have to migrate the database file to the new format. There are some forum threads about it. But my recommendation would be to move to a proper database, like MySQL.
Yes you right,
I've got several logs after multiple tries, one of them was
INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
I can say it is a db error, I've made other upgrades on releases in the past but never had these kinds of errors.
Yes @Anton Tananaev,
I've tried the above ways with no luck, First I had to install Java, correct me if I'm wrong:
then I tried to remove db lock using the above walkthrough
Is there a walkthrough to move to MySQL database?
There are some walkthroughs for the MySQL migration on the forum.
Hi everyone,
The last days, I'm trying to upgrade my Traccar 4.14 to the new version 5.8 on a Raspberry Pi 4 with no luck.
Actually, in order to do not risk any of my previous logs, here is what I'm doing,
I read a lot of posts talking about the database issue, and I did all the possible solutions (at least I tried) without making it work.
Is there a walk through that includes the whole procedure, including the db fix?
Would be really appreciated.