Variation in average speed

Mohan2 years ago

Hi Traccar team, Greetings..

Recently we upgraded our traccar software from 3.16 -> 4.14. Between these versions, a new unique constraint was established on 'events' table between deviceid and servertime. We found a lot of duplicate records matching this constraint. So we deleted many events record and upgraded to 4.14.
After the upgrade, we found 2 issues

  1. Average speed of a trip varies between 3.16 and 4.14
  2. No of trips for a day gets reduced. Few trips gets merged to a single trip.

Is these 2 issues are because of the upgrade or because of the deletion of events records?

Thank in advance.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

They are not related to events. Probably you need to adjust the configuration.

Mohan2 years ago

Hi Tananaev,
We have sorted out the 2nd issue ie the difference in the number of trips.
But still, we get a variation in average trip speed between 3.16 and 4.14. Beyond the default configurations, we override just one configuration: report.trip.minimalNoDataDuration , value for this configuration is the same in both servers.
Could you think of any other cause?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I recommend upgrading to the latest version and see if it resolves the issue.