Live tracking 'hangs' after update from latest 4.xx to 5.xx

rolsch2 years ago

Hi traccar community.
I have the issue that the live taccing / follow map feature 'hangs'.

The live tacking on the map hangs or is updated only sporadically (version 5.xx).
With version 4.xx the position was updated every 100 meters (configured in the android app) on the same daily route.
The server runs on a 4 core vm with 16gb RAM and 100gb nvme and has 4 devices (android 9/10/11).
Any hints for me?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I would recommend doing some troubleshooting. Check logs to make sure your devices actually send the data and it's decoded. The check the web app through dev tools to see if the WebSocket connection is ok and you're received all the updates.

rolscha year ago

Hi Anton.
The device send all data. I can show the path with the replay function.
Only the live tracking "hangs" and refresh not point for point, the position jumps along the path with missing tracked points.

So please explain the given hint "check... through dev tools to see if the WebSocket connection is ok and you're received all the updates."

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I'm talking about browser developer tools where you can check network requests.