Try refreshing the web page after creating the calendar.
thanks for your answer. I just tried that, no change. btw every report scheduling produces the same error. If i click on scheduled reports tab i get the same error as well.
Is it reproducible on a clear server? If yes, feel free to submit a bug report on GitHub with full steps.
I'm going to try with a fresh install.
If anyone else has the same problem, this problem occured only when logged in as the admin. Logged in with a standard user the report scheduling works fine.
So were you able to consistently reproduce it with a clean install?
Hi, so I tried scheduling a daily report in Traccar ver. 5.8, recently upgraded, everyhting works fine except report scheduling.
I set up the calendar
When i try to schedule it via trip reports and click on schedule report.
Then i get this error (or warning) message: