It is definitely possible. You must be doing something wrong if it's not logged, or maybe the code that you are expecting to be called, doesn't get called.
This is the excerpt from what I've added
position.set(Position.KEY_SATELLITES, parser.nextInt());
position.set(Position.KEY_GSM, parser.nextInt());
position.set(Position.KEY_BATTERY, parser.nextInt());
position.set("steps", parser.nextInt());
int rollover = parser.nextInt();
int terminalStatus = parser.nextInt();
Log.warning("terminalState: " + terminalStatus);
return position;
And this had to be added to the Pattern Builder to get the terminalStatus number:
private static final Pattern PATTERN_POSITION = new PatternBuilder()
.number("(dd)(dd)(dd),") // date (ddmmyy)
.number("(dd)(dd)(dd),") // time
.expression("([AV]),") // validity
.number(" *(-?d+.d+),") // latitude
.number(" *(-?d+.d+),") // longitude
.number("(d+.d+),") // speed
.number("(d+.?d*),") // course
.number("(d+.?d*),") // altitude
.number("(d+),") // satellites
.number("(d+),") // gsm
.number("(d+),") // battery
.number("(d+),") // steps
.number("(d+),") // rollover
.number("(d+),") // terminalStatus
.number("d+,") // tumbles
I recommend to debug the code and see what's happening.
Sorry, works fine now, I forgot to switch the tracker-server.jar on the target machine.
is it possible to use org.traccar.helper.Log class inside one of the protocol decoder classes? I would like to log out few values, because I'm modifying watch protocol.
I have imported it inside, and calling Log.debug("log something") inside of the decode() method, but I don't see that in the tracker-server.log file when the device sends its position.
Thank you.