Have you checked how the official app generates the token?
I haven't, where can I checked? Can you guide me through this?
The easiest option to check is the browser network console. Request a token and check the API request in the console.
Thank you for your response
How do you request a token?
i am using api/session
this is what i get as a response
"id": 3,
"attributes": {},
"name": "John Doe",
"login": null,
"email": "mail@mail.com",
"phone": null,
"readonly": false,
"administrator": true,
"map": null,
"latitude": 0.0,
"longitude": 0.0,
"zoom": 0,
"twelveHourFormat": true,
"coordinateFormat": null,
"disabled": false,
"expirationTime": null,
"deviceLimit": -1,
"userLimit": 0,
"deviceReadonly": false,
"limitCommands": false,
"disableReports": false,
"fixedEmail": false,
"poiLayer": null,
"password": null
and what does login mean?
I remember last year when I learned about traccar token was included in api/session response
Can someone help me with this?
Although this question has already been answered previously, I will provide my own response, giving instructions to test it using Postman.
Reference: https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/user-tokens-in-v-53/#post-75007
Hi, I'm new to Traccar. I am building an erp that has fleet management. I have setup my Traccar server already and want to use API, to fetch my devices for my server. The API uses token for authorization. I tried to generate one using the POST request in api/session with user credentials. I got a 200 response but token is not there. Is there someone who can guide me on how to generate the user tokens using api? Thank you in advance