That's called device inactivity notification. You need to configure the timeout attributes on the device.
how can i do this on the platform. I already tried in notification but I didn't find inactivity of the device. should I configure in the calculated attribute?
if you can help me thanks.
I'll leave a code in PHP that I'm using to solve my problem for now. it tells me which devices have been off for more than 5 days.
$traccarUrl = 'http://your_server_traccar/api/';
$apiUsername = 'your_user_api';
$apiPassword = 'your_pass_api';
// Function to send a notification
function enviarNotificacao($mensagem) {
// Implement the logic here to send the notification, for example, send an email, a text message, etc.
// You can use external libraries or services to send the notification.
// Example:
// send email
// mail('seu_email', 'Traccar - Device Offline', $mensagem);
// Function to get the current date minus 5 days
function getDataMenos5Dias() {
$hoje = new DateTime();
$hoje->sub(new DateInterval('P5D'));
return $hoje->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Makes a request to the Traccar API to get the devices
$apiUrl = $traccarUrl . 'devices';
$context = stream_context_create([
'http' => [
'header' => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$apiUsername:$apiPassword"),
$response = file_get_contents($apiUrl, false, $context);
// Checks if the request was successful
if ($response !== false) {
// Convert JSON response to an associative array
$data = json_decode($response, true);
// Checks every device
foreach ($data as $device) {
$lastUpdate = $device['lastUpdate'];
$deviceId = $device['id'];
// Checks if the device has been disconnected for more than 5 days
if ($lastUpdate < getDataMenos5Dias()) {
// Sends a notification stating device disconnected
$mensagem = "Device with ID $deviceId has been disconnected for more than 5 days.";
} else {
// Handle the request error
echo "Error when making a request to the Traccar API";
You don't need computed attributes for it.
I'm trying to create a notification that uses the time of the last device connection. For example, if the device is offline for 5 days, it will send an email notification.
Has anyone managed to do this by chance?