New to Traccar - GV500MAP using gl200 protocol?

Scott Lemon2 years ago


I'm new to the Traccar platform and have it up and running. I've got a pair of Queclink GV500MAP devices that I've pointed at the server. When I look they both seems to be detected as using the gl200 protocol.

I noticed that some of the device reports are being detected and used (e.g. GTINF) but not others (GTFRI). Is this something that I need to configure? Or are they not supported? I noticed that when my vehicles are parked and reporting hourly they only seem to send the GTFRI reports.

Can someone point me to some documentation, or point in the right direction to learn more of how I deal with this?

Thank you!

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It is possible that some message types or formats are not fully supported. What exactly do you see in the logs for messages that are not decoded?

Scott Lemon2 years ago

Where do I look for the logs? Is it through the UI, or in a particular folder?

muhamedoufi2 years ago

In folder named logs and the file named tracker-server.log

Anton Tananaev2 years ago
Scott Lemon2 years ago

I found it ... thank you!

Here is the log of the GTFRI message, followed by a GTINF:

2023-06-16 18:35:24  INFO: [7a1dc496] disconnected
2023-06-16 18:35:31  INFO: [b5d1f4fd: gl200 <] HEX: 2b524553503a47544652492c3545303130302c3836323036313034383032333636362c2c2c31323934302c31302c312c312c302e302c39372c3137392e382c2d39302e3336363437382c33382e3733353337392c32303233303631363138333233312c303331302c303431302c363730392c30334144463731302c30302c363232332e372c2c2c2c2c3131303030302c2c2c2c32303233303631363138333424
2023-06-16 18:35:31  INFO: [b5d1f4fd] disconnected
2023-06-16 18:35:31  INFO: [81dc3c8d] connected
2023-06-16 18:49:23  INFO: [81dc3c8d: gl200 <] HEX: 2b524553503a4754494e462c3545303130302c3836323036313034383032333636362c2c2c31312c38393838333037303030303030303437303533322c33312c39392c312c31323931302c2c342e31312c302c322c2c2c32303233303631363138333233312c2c2c2c2c2c2b303030302c302c32303233303631363138343830332c3732354524
2023-06-16 18:49:23  INFO: [81dc3c8d] disconnected

Is there something I should be able to determine from this? I don't see any of the errors after these?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Looks like the format is slightly different, so that's why they are not decoded. Would need to make some decoder changes to support it.

Scott Lemon2 years ago

Can you point me at the documentation where I can learn about this? Is there a particular file that implements the gl200 protocol decoding?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

There's a decoder class. Name starts with Gl200.

Scott Lemon2 years ago

Oh wow ... yes, very different. These have extremely new firmware, and my guess is that the protocol version is updated!

// Object in:
//  {
//    "message_type":"+RESP:GTFRI",
//    "protocol_version":5e0100,
//    "unique_id":862061048023666,
//    "vin":"1N4AL3AP1GC151007",
//    "device_name":null,
//    "ext_power_vdc":12158,
//    "report_id_type":10,
//    "number":1,
//    "gnss_accuracy":1,
//    "speed":0,
//    "azimuth":211,
//    "altitude":1674.4,
//    "longitude":-111.460325,
//    "latitude":40.462057,
//    "gnss_utc_time":20220709210952,
//    "mcc":"0310",
//    "mnc":"0410",
//    "lac":9901,
//    "cell_id":"06F55310",
//    "reserved_1":"00",
//    "mileage":160.7,
//    "hour_meter_count":null,
//    "reserved_2":null,
//    "reserved_3":null,
//    "reserved_4":null,
//    "device_status":"120$"
//  }

I've got the GV500MAP documentation/pdf ... is there a place to upload it.

And my Java skills are long gone ... I'm reading the code working to come up to speed. Seems like the PatternBuilder statement would have to be enhanced with some new "or" statement? Maybe higher up after the "report type"?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can upload on something like Dropbox and share a link.

Scott Lemon2 years ago
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The link is working.

Scott Lemon2 years ago


I know there are a lot of priority issues, however I was curious if this fix was one that is pretty straight forward? I'm not up on my Java, but have been trying to understand the code. It seems there has to be a test added for the version of the string, and then a regex kind of parser to then properly parse out the data?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Yeah, GL200 protocol is hard to deal with because you need to make sure you don't break a million of slightly different variations.