
xgonzalez10 years ago


I have a Aplicom a9 nex device, and I have seen that there binary protocol D traccar server.
I tried and did not work well.
I talked to the manufacturer Aplicom and I send me documentation D protocol that is the same that is posted on the website of traccar, but not consistent.
I tried to do the protocol but when I start the service traccar tells me he can not.
Anyone have experience with these devices Aplicom and I can help.

Thank You

xgonzalez10 years ago


I have installed the latest version of traccar.

The message that when get to start the service on linux is:
WARNING: traccar May Have failed to start

This happens to me with my modified jar and other previous versions jar that if they work.

Thank You

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

What did you modify? There were quite a few changes since last release.

As for Aplicom, I need some HEX message samples for the log.

xgonzalez10 years ago


I've only changed the AplicomProtocolDecoder classe.

An example of HEX raw data:


44 'D'
c3 version
IMEI 014645e8e9d29a 358,741,051,036,314
002d len
0022ff selector
6d event
00 event info
f4 fix validity
55893b4d time (Tue, June 23, 2015 10:56:13 GMT)
Gps time 55893b4c
027a7e15 lat
00189d71 lon
08 no. of satellites
00 speed
00 max speed
9e heading
00 Input status
0000 AD 1
0000 AD 2
0000 AD 3
0000 AD 4
00000233 trip 1
00 output
000000000000 iButton status
Gps 009d alt


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

This example works fine for me with Traccar server.

xgonzalez10 years ago


I've gotten it to work well, but the imei not calculated well and I set the following: 355632014807706

After looking at the source code is no parameter to the D protocol used.

I can see your example in some way?

Or you can give me more information: server version, etc.

Thank You

Anton Tananaev10 years ago

Why do you think IMEI is not calculated correctly? What is the real IMEI and what do you get in Traccar?

What parameter are you talking about?

I just tested it in unit tests. I used server built from latest source code.

xgonzalez10 years ago

The IMEI is 358741051036314, and traccar calculate imei: 355632014807706.
I will look at the latest version. But my version is 1 month.


Anton Tananaev10 years ago

I have fixed the problem with incorrect IMEI. I can provide a new binary file for testing if you want.

xgonzalez10 years ago

Thank you very much,

If you can provide me provide binary file I appreciate you.


Anton Tananaev10 years ago