By default Traccar is listening for all protocols/ports.
But on my computer is not open all the doors.
Only those who showed.
No idea of what might be ?.
Unless you modified config, it should. How did you check ports?
Only changed the log folder and the folder directory database.
I'm running the command nmap localhost in the server terminal.
rodrigo@srv3:/$ nmap localhost
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2016-09-23 20:03 BRT
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00073s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned):
Not shown: 968 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp open smtp
80/tcp open http
110/tcp open pop3
111/tcp open rpcbind
139/tcp open netbios-ssn
143/tcp open imap
445/tcp open microsoft-ds
465/tcp open smtps
587/tcp open submission
631/tcp open ipp
993/tcp open imaps
995/tcp open pop3s
3306/tcp open mysql
5001/tcp open commplex-link
5002/tcp open rfe
5003/tcp open filemaker
5004/tcp open avt-profile-1
5009/tcp open airport-admin
5030/tcp open surfpass
5033/tcp open unknown
5050/tcp open mmcc
5051/tcp open ida-agent
5054/tcp open rlm-admin
5060/tcp open sip
5061/tcp open sip-tls
5080/tcp open onscreen
5087/tcp open unknown
5100/tcp open admd
5101/tcp open admdog
5102/tcp open admeng
8082/tcp open blackice-alerts
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.20 seconds
As far as I know, by default nmap only checks for some well-known ports. Of course it's not going to show all Traccar ports.
Friend you're right, I used the command
nmap localhost -p 5000-6000
and showed all open.
Forgive me
I'm having trouble with the protocols.
Some protocols have not opened the doors on the server.
How do I open all the doors of all protocols ?.
5001/tcp open commplex-link
5002/tcp open rfe
5003/tcp open filemaker
5004/tcp open avt-profile-1
5009/tcp open airport-admin
5030/tcp open surfpass
5033/tcp open unknown
5050/tcp open mmcc
5051/tcp open ida-agent
5054/tcp open rlm-admin
5060/tcp open sip
5061/tcp open sip-tls
5080/tcp open onscreen
5087/tcp open unknown
5100/tcp open admd
5101/tcp open admdog
5102/tcp open admeng
8082/tcp open blackice-alerts