Sporadically the Traccar lowers its performance

Hello good morning.

I have been using traccar for a few years, currently I have about 10k devices, I have the traccar server on a VPS under Windows and it works perfectly but only on some occasions (it can be one day a month) Traccar slows down, let me explain: it starts to delay the location push requests, sending commands, are sent and it says they were sent but the device arrives 5 or 6 minutes later and the rate of location updates drops to much less than half the typical rate. I have tried everything, I have modified the MySQL configuration to handle the connections, but nothing helps, I even changed my VPS provider but it did not help either, the strange thing is that it can work very well for 1 or 2 months and suddenly one day it has this It fails for about 3-5 hours and then goes back to normal. I'm about to go crazy without finding the cause, the Traccar log doesn't show anything abnormal, it just becomes slow when receiving the requests... Has anyone experienced something similar? Any comments would be very helpful.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Have you tried checking jstack dump when the slowdown happens?

Hola Anton, buén día, desafortunadamente no sé cómo usar jstack, tienes algún lnk de un tutorial acerca de esto?

To clarify: when this happens, there is no considerable abnormality in the use of CPU or RAM, in fact at that moment, the cpu and RAM are slightly lower than normal

Track-trace2 years ago

Does the issue go away when you restart the server?

Would not be a bad idear anyway to do that once a week / month

Hola, no, no desaparece ni aunque reinicie el VPS por completo, yo reinicio Traccar todos los días en la madrugada, como ves es algo que sucede esporádicamente