Overspeed notification issue

paul843 years ago

Hi All,

We have approx 50 devices, a mixture of eelink and calamp protocols. We have a server speed limit of 120km/h set and notifications to come by email. Each time a vehicle goes over speed, each user receives what looks to be the same notification 5 times in a row (sometimes more). The timestamp on each notification is exactly the same, same speed, same point.

I have set event.overspeed.notRepeat = true but this does not seem to help. I was hoping someone could offer some assistance on how to correct this?

Running a report for this device, at the exact time the notification was sent, shows only 1 over speed.

Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

That's a known issue that will be fixed in the next release.

paul843 years ago

Thanks Anton!

Dipen Soni2 years ago

Hi @Anton Tananaev, is there any workaround to solve it, since we have constraints on upgrading to newer version currently.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can probably backport the fix.

savasy2 years ago

Hi @Paul84,

where do you set event.overspeed.notRepeat = true ?



Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I'm pretty sure this parameter was removed. It's the default behavior now.