Route report filtered by parking spots

NouAKA UNITY2 years ago

How can I get the route report containing only parking spots? a parking spot is a place where the device has stood within a perimeter of 100m² (or less) for a period of 10 min (or more).
Thanks in advance
PS: I'm using the version 5.7

NouAKA UNITY2 years ago

A parking space can also be defined as a place where the speed drops drastically to a human walking speed 8 km/h (or less) during a period of 10 min (or more)

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Stops report?

NouAKA UNITY2 years ago

I'm a bit confused.
I thought that "stops" were related to durations with data not received from devices (signal problem, device shutdown...).
and "parkings" were related to durations with good data reception but with minimal movements and low speeds.
did i missed something, are "stops" and "parkings" the same concept?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Yeah, it sounds like you missed the whole point of stops. Stops are periods when a device is not moving for a certain period of time.

We do have a configuration parameter to treat no data periods as stops, but that's a corner case, not the main purpose.

NouAKA UNITY2 years ago
