Vehicles locked to a point on the map.

Dmathus742 years ago

I'm using version 5.6 in the test phase, I'm still using version 4.8 because it's fine. I noticed that the vehicles that I put to the test in traccar 5.6 they appear in motion, ignition on, everything working normally. But when the vehicle turns off, it goes back to a location on the map where it currently isn't. Can someone help me?


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Where exactly does it go? Zero location? Some old location? What's the timestamp?

Dmathus742 years ago

I am very grateful for the answer. About the location, he always goes back to an old point and no matter how many places he goes, whenever he turns off the engine, the vehicle goes back there.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Timestamp? Also have you checked the logs?

Dmathus742 years ago

Here in Brazil it's already 00:00, but I'll do it in the morning, so I'll leave the log and the screen print here.

Dmathus742 years ago


2023-04-24 11:48:14  INFO: [T60638a60: suntech <] 53543330305354543b3030373735303639373b3030373735303639373b34303b3331383b32303233303432343b31343a34383a31343b37366133313b2d30322e3535373433303b2d3034342e3233393334333b3033352e3131343b3136302e36393b31313b313b31353630333932353b31322e34363b3130303030303b323b313639343b3034333130383b342e313b313b35353035323b3732343b323b303b313839383b310d
2023-04-24 11:48:14  INFO: [T60638a60] id: 007750697, time: 2023-04-24 11:48:14, lat: -2.55743, lon: -44.23934, speed: 19.0, course: 160.7
2023-04-24 11:48:30  INFO: [Tce923aa2] disconnected
2023-04-24 11:48:42  INFO: [T60638a60: suntech <] 53543330305354543b3030373735303639373b34303b3331383b32303233303432343b31343a34383a34323b37366133313b2d30322e3535383733333b2d3034342e3233393031303b3031342e3331363b3133302e30343b31323b313b31353630343037353b31322e34363b3130303030303b353b313639353b3034333130393b342e313b313b35353035323b3732343b323b2d36343b313839383b310d
2023-04-24 11:48:42  INFO: [T60638a60] id: 007750697, time: 2023-04-24 11:48:42, lat: -2.55873, lon: -44.23901, speed: 7.7, course: 130.0
Dmathus742 years ago

Here are 2 vehicles in test.


Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The data is decoded correctly. You can verify it yourself using the HEX decoder. So if the location is incorrect, it seems like your device is sending incorrect data.

Dmathus742 years ago

I realized that the vehicle, in addition to returning to the point on the map, also returns to the date. Example of vehicle 1 - today eg 04/24/2023, the vehicle appears on the map normally when it is moving. When you stop and turn the key off, the vehicle returns to the point on the map and returns to the date of 04/17/2023.

Thanks in advance for your attention and help.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

But does the timestamp go backwards?

Dmathus742 years ago

Until the date shows on the map with the vehicle. Thank you very much, once again for your help and attention.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I don't really understand what you mean. I asked a simple yes or no question.

Leonardo2 years ago

ola pessoal, tenho um modelo de rastrador conectado na porta 5009 (ja tentei outras portas e a mesma coisa), quando liga a ignição ele vem na entrada 5, e não da como ignição, poderia me auxiliar como criar um atributo, para toda vez que a entrada 5 der ligada a 'ignição' também ?
