device speed and attributes

baba2 years ago

On which tables does the device send us the speed?
What does the "attributes" field in the "event" table give us?
Thank you.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The positions table has the speed information.

Attributes contain additional event info.

baba2 years ago

Can you show us the format of the speed data stored in the "positions" table? I'm using Traccar client, but I haven't received the speed. There is only distance and total distance end motion.

Are the event attributes stored in JSON format? What is this format? I haven't received the attributes either. I'm using Traccar client as a device.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

There's a separate column for speed value.

Attributes are in JSON format.

baba2 years ago

Oh, that's true.
What is the "course" field in the "position" table?
Thank you.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Course is course (aka direction or heading).