Post request to position data

wadaboc6832 years ago

does the code below only works for osmand device??×tamp="2018-09 27T05:39:22.000"&hdop=0&altitude=990&speed=0

Are there any way to receive data from hardware like VT-100(startek) devices directly to our custom domain and then to redirect those data traccar server??

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It's unclear what you're trying to do any why you need to redirect something. You should probably explain in more details your situation.

wadaboc6832 years ago

i have a hardware vt-100 which protocol is startek
i want the first data to be sent to my custom server (
after that im trying to redirect the received data to specific traccar server as i have multiple traccar server

is there any option to manage data first and then send data afterwards??

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Startek is not HTTP-based protocol. How do you expect to receive that data on your server?

wadaboc6832 years ago

sorry if im not clear

i tried to log the data received in my server...
the log generated the below response :


"&&:134,9761647835,000,0,,230331174542,A,27.687901,85.329856,5,25.5,0,336,1070,42310,429|1|277C|00002BA3,18,003C,00,00,04B6|01A3|0000|0000,1,45" 400 166 "-" "-


i tried to do POST request to


im guessing the packet didnt transferred successfully.

what my question really is....

i have two traccar server ( and (

what im doing currently is
im sending an sms directly to phone number of (+91,xxxxxx also my identifier) to ( using hardware specified port and the data gets displayed. similarly it works for as well.

but what we are planning is
we have another php based project which we are trying to make as following

  1. handle request from hardware
  2. send received data to specific traccar server

we are only trying here to balance load ..

is this possible ?? or are we just wasting time

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can forward the data to Traccar. Just make sure you forward it exactly the same way you received it. You seem to be confused about HTTP vs TCP here. You keep trying to do some HTTP requests when the protocol should be pure TCP.

wadaboc6832 years ago

so if i have a server called :

and if i set hardware (identifier 123456) server url to

so my device (identifier : 123456) is to be linked to

can i resend the received data from to

if so can you just give gist about it??

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It seems like you're still mentioning some URLs, which are only applicable to HTTP. How is it related to Startek protocol?

wadaboc6832 years ago

sorry but what im trying to say is...

at first the hardware will send data to our php server

and the php server will redirect the received data to traccar server

is it possible what we are trying to do??

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Yes, it should be possible. Why not?