I think it would also depend on the OS you use. And also how many devices you have online at the same time and the device update frequency.
But also if you use mysql server on the same OS.
But you can also check how much ram your server is actually using while running..
Greetings, in the webmin panel (Ubuntu Linux 22.04.2) it tells me that it uses between 1% and 3% of cpu and between 8% and 10% of memory (16gb) that is to say that it could take it to xmx10G (10gb ) No problem? I read over there that the xms should be half of the xmx, would this be correct? How would I put xms on the same line? thank you so much
I would think that there is no point in tweaking that when you only use a few devices..
It has 300 devices and it appears to have problems with a "SetData" error, when many reports are requested or when changing maps
What error? Screenshot?
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'setData')
at htts:myip/static/js/main.cb691855.js:128:273817
at il (htts://myip.com/static/js/main.cb691855.js:2:711345)
at Tc (htts://myip.com/static/js/main.cb691855.js:2:731572)
at cc (htts://myip.com/static/js/main.cb691855.js:2:723829)
at Ui (htts://myip.com/static/js/main.cb691855.js:2:664485)
at htts://myip.com/static/js/main.cb691855.js:2:721487
What version are you using? And what'd you map configuration?
traccar 5.6 bing maps key and in server attributes googleRoad, googleHybrid, bingHybrid, osm, it happens more than anything in google chrome on pc and cell phone, and in the 2 largest users, that's why I thought it was memory
It has nothing to do with memory. It looks like a web app issue. Do you have a link we can try and reproduce the issue?
in the email support@traccar
I am able to reproduce it on mobile. Does it happen only when you have many devices or even small number has this issue?
It happens in both cases, I have seen it in users with only one device but it happens much less, the only place where I have not seen it is in accounts without devices, the greater the number of devices, the more likely it is to occur
Can you try the preview to see if it's still reproducible there:
I'll load it tomorrow and post the results
Greetings, I am adjusting the java size to see differences and, of course, improve performance. For a server with 6 cores and 16gb of ram, what would be the maximum recommendation for java? I understand that I should leave for other processes the server only has traccar and one page in apache what would be the recommended values in xms or xmx, thank you very much or if I can put both