Manual traccar users limitation and config copyright

Dmathus742 years ago

I would like all users that I register to be able to automatically collect the same settings from a group. these settings would be 2 command: enable motorcycle, disable engine, maps, user limitations to prevent it from moving and damaging something. I already created a group called customers, I put the attributes there, but it doesn't work. could someone give a tip?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

A group is a group of devices. You can't put anything else into a group.

Dmathus742 years ago

So I just want every customer who uses the system to be limited to just turning the engine off and on the engine and not being able to change anything. Do I have to configure all of these individually or is there some configuration I can import for everyone? thank you for your attention.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You have to link each one separately. You can automate it using API.

Dmathus742 years ago

Many thanks for the reply. I wanted these users to use the same admin maps, but for them to be limited. I'm taking a look at the documentation to see how I'm going to do it.

Dmathus742 years ago

I need the user to be able to block the vehicle, I don't know how to enable the 2 commands so that he can select Disable engine and enable engine.