Push notification Manager App with Server 5.6

olaf2 years ago

I have probably read almost all of the posts that deal with the push. I have 3 users with 2 Android and one iOS smartphone. The api codes were set by the manager app. However, there are no notifications. Mail works, even in the manager app. i have the lines

<entry key='notificator.types'>traccar,mail,web</entry>
<entry key='notificator.traccar.key'>User Key</entry>

added. But there are no notification. Or is that not needed and the app gets the notifications automatically, i.e. without changing the configuration of the server?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The configuration is needed. Have you tried test notification? Do you see any errors?

olaf2 years ago

Yes i tried the test notification, but nothing happened at the app. Web, mail and NTFY works well, How should a notification looks? Like a stnadard Android notification?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Yes, it should look like a standard Android notification. So when you test you don't get any errors? That probably means it was sent successfully.

olaf2 years ago

No Error and no notifications. I tried with a Android and iOS user, nothing. I changed the key at the server configuration for each user i tried.

olaf2 years ago

My config:

<entry key='notificator.types'>traccar,web,mail,sms</entry>
<entry key='notificator.traccar.key'>do9XdQmQRUo8nN2DxR2HB_:APA91bE....</entry>
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Where did you get that key? I'm pretty sure it's wrong.

olaf2 years ago

From the user Account
"Notification Key"

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Can you please provide a screenshot (feel free to blur part of it).

And also please provide a link to the documentation that you used when you configured it.

olaf2 years ago
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I see the problem now. That's the wrong place. You should go back to the documentation and click the link there.

olaf2 years ago

Boaa thank you so much. I misunderstood the Field Notification Tokens. Perhaps you should add a notice that we have to create an account to get a key Thanks again, you made my day!

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Perhaps you should add a notice that we have to create an account to get a key

Have you actually read the documentation? We already have it:

You need to be registered on the website.

olaf2 years ago

ohh, i'm sorry

Donovan2 years ago

Not to duplicate posts. But I currently have my own traccar setup running in docker but for the life of me, I can't get push notifications to work.

I have registered for an account (using playstore Traccar manager) as per documentation, l copied the api key and put key in to my config.xml (as per guide) but when I test, nothing happens and no errors logged in log file. And I always restart docker image each time I edit config file

Got SMS and telegram working.