GT02A password recovery

anupam4989 years ago

i have bought one gt02a from an online seller. i could not make any response from the device by all possible commands . i can only get the url message by sending url# command.i think the seller had set the password and now he is not responding . Is there any way to retrieve the password or to set it default/reset the unit?

dubinl9 years ago

This might help Manual

anupam4989 years ago

thanks for your response , i tried both factory# and reset# . No SMS reply
while sending param# get reply as server pointed to

i am sure the seller can trace the device in and i cant signup using the imei(already registered and tracked)

please guide me for better solution

dubinl9 years ago

And you tried the default password 123456

anupam4989 years ago

yes i have tried 123456 and 666666 both, no response . is there any way to hard reset the device? the device cant be reset to factory defaults without knowing the password , there should have a physical button. or i have to flash the device ?

bike9 years ago

HELLO , do you put the " # " before and after each sentence?

like this


Mishra V N8 years ago

Hi Anupam, did you got any solution for your problem? I am also facing the same issue.

Elgendy4 years ago

I want to do a factory reset because I forgot my password, and there is no reset button to do that. What should i do now?

Usama Naeem2 years ago

Hi Anupam, did you got any solution for your problem? I am also facing the same issue.