Login Disabled

Gabriel2 years ago

Im testing disableing a test user and i get this MSG,


Is there any way to edit the MSG when i disable a user?

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can customize any messages in the code.

Gabriel2 years ago

Anton, i customize almost everything but i couldnt find that one in particular, thats why i was asking

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Where did you check? It would probably need to be done in the web app. Catch the error and return your custom error message.

Gabriel2 years ago

all of the edits i made them in the templates, even the alarm ones with some scriting cause there was no powercut one.

Gabriel2 years ago

Anton, going back to the Disabled Users, i did not find in the web app either, can you guide me where should i edit it?
Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

That would be out of scope for the forum support. We have paid support available if you need help with customization.

Gabriel2 years ago

how much does it cost, can you send me info in a DM?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Email us if you want to discuss any paid services.