Why dont you test it?
have you ever tested it?
I have test in status.timeout in 300, it should be online after 5 minutes but it's already offline before 5 minutes
Status timeout has nothing to do with the offline status. It is only used for the unknown status, as the documentation clearly states.
Thanks Anton, but in case for time in 1 minute iam still want ask? 60 or 600 in one minute?
Thank You Iam so appriciate for all comment,
Thank to Track-Trace too
1 minute is 60 seconds. Where did you get the 600 from?
just guessing, 600 milisecond in 1 minute
That's a wrong guess. There are 60000 milliseconds in a minute.
Also if you carefully read the documentation you will see that it says that the value is in seconds.
Hi Anto
I'm a bit confused about the time calculation in the source code traccar.
how many value if I want to config to set in 1 minute
is it 60 or 600 in one minute,