with the app that I compiled i see in server log only
2023-01-12 13:19:32 INFO: user: 5, action: login, from: xxxx
but with traccar manager dowload google store i see a action login and edit
Which flavor of the app have you built?
I asked which flavor you're building.
Regular flavor does not include any Google services.
ok thanks :-)
however there are a problem with dipendency in traccar server git version for firebase push notification.
i think the problem is this commit 3fa8f496eab4a3a6e9bfac4a8a8ab9b0456720e0.
firebase require jackson2
Why is that a problem?
try to send test notification firebase with traccar server branch master
I'll wait for you to tell us.
Hello @multififa, or anyone who knows and can help me. What flavor did you use to compile traccar-manager? I compiled
regular flavor and upon login no user notification token is created.
flavorDimensions 'default'
productFlavors {
regular {
isDefault = true
You have to use the google flavor to have push notifications.
Thank you Anton, could you please tell me in which file do I find the logic for inserting the firebase token in the database since it is generated by the Mobile App?
Part of the code is in the native code and some in the web app. Just search for the key.
i have build original traccar manager
when i log in, from debug i see the token but it is not saved in the user attribute.
i use original repository last version traccar manager an traccar server.