GPSGate and no Identifier

dubinl9 years ago

My issue closely mimics a few here but not specifically enough for me to solve the issue.

I have a GPSGate device happily reading serial data and sending it off perfectly to my Traccar server. The issue is that GPSGate nor the device speaking via serial seem to want to introduce itself...aka I'm not get ID data (no $FRLIN). Log shows:

2016-08-24 17:10:11 DEBUG: [AD48F046: 5026 <] HEX: 2447504753562c332c312c31312c30322c36342c3035392c32302c30352c37362c3235302c31392c30392c31302c3033372c32312c31322c32312c3232372c31382a37460d0a
2016-08-24 17:10:11 DEBUG: [AD48F046: 5026 <] HEX: 2447504753562c332c322c31312c32352c32342c3236372c31382c32392c33342c3331322c32352c30362c32352c3038382c2c31332c31382c3136342c2a37310d0a2447504753562c332c332c31312c31352c30302c3139322c2c31392c31302c3134322c2c32302c32312c3233392c2a34300d0a2447504747412c3231313031302e302c343030322e3439363332372c4e2c30373631382e3436303339302c572c312c30342c312e332c3134322e342c4d2c2d34302e302c4d2c2c2a36410d0a

Now the device has an IMEI, and a SN, and a billion ways to identify itself but I can't figure out if GPSGate is the issue or if the device just doesn't want to introduce itself. I'm using TCP/IP Client / NMEA Filter setting on GPSGate.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

NMEA protocol doesn't include any identification capabilities. Some devices support custom login messages. Not sure if GPSGate supports anything like that. Can't GPSGate use their own protocol to transmit data?

dubinl9 years ago

That was my assumption of how GPSGate worked (parsing NMEA data into happier data with headers etc). I think I have the wrong setting on the Gate software. Let me play with it and get back to you

dubinl9 years ago

Baby steps! OK so I set the GPSGate to send to GPSGate.COM (is the setting) and specificed my Traccar server as the server IP, it (gpsgate) prompted for Username and Password. I put Test in both and it saved. Traccar server SAW test as the ID I added that identifier. I have is reporting on the WebGUI buttttt no GPS is coming in...see log below:

2016-08-25 08:04:04  INFO: [BFE0CC37] connected
2016-08-25 08:04:04 DEBUG: [BFE0CC37: 5026 <] HEX: 2446524c494e2c2c746573742c474856472a37420d0a
2016-08-25 08:04:04 DEBUG: [BFE0CC37: 5026 >] HEX: 2446525345532c2d313037353738363639372a37360d0a
2016-08-25 08:04:34  INFO: [BFE0CC37] disconnected

In english

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Not sure why it doesn't work. Maybe it doesn't like negative channel id. Try a couple more times and see if it works. Eventually you should get a positive channel id.

dubinl9 years ago

THis being the channel?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Yes, not sure why I decided to use channel number, but device might not like a negative value there.

dubinl9 years ago

Still being stupid but there's a positive number. Does Traccar server have to respond to the GPSGate?
Way I assumed data went:
GPS -> GPSGate -> Traccar Server

or does the server have to confirm receipt? What would the negative number be affecting? The device is Mifi6620

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Not sure why it doesn't work. It looks fine to me.

Yes, Traccar has to acknowledge first message. That's what second message is.

dubinl9 years ago

Do you or anyone have a log from a working GPSGate install? I want to see what SHOULD occur after the second line

2016-08-25 10:53:50 DEBUG: [9743E3A5: 5026 <] HEX: 2446524c494e2c2c61646d696e2c4d524e575a2a34300d0a
2016-08-25 10:53:50 DEBUG: [9743E3A5: 5026 >] HEX: 2446525345532c2d313735373135383439312a37300d0a



Does it normally then just start dumping coords? I got the app to connect fine but it comes in as a different type of log so I wasn't able to see the reply.

dubinl9 years ago

Just unplugged my device to see something and I still got the Call and Response


with NO GPS plugged in, just GPSGate running which leads me to believe its something in GPSGate being stupid

dubinl9 years ago

I hope you don't mind I'm just going to keep posting data I find incase it means something to you or anyone else.
I fired up a GPSGates GPS Sim which sends

2016-08-25 14:40:18 DEBUG: [39667A68: 5026 <] HEX: 244652434d442c303039372c5f53656e644d6573736167652c2c373631382e35313939302c532c343030322e32363138322c452c3335302e302c312e30382c302e302c3235303831362c3138333532322e3030302c302a37460d0a



but the sim errors out because there is no reply from the Traccar server still. And it doesn't show on the map...probably because there is no ack

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

There was a small issue with decoder. Fixed now and the fix will be available with the next release.

dubinl9 years ago

Awesome! Thanks!
Release as in version or the "nightly" builds?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

There are no nightly builds, so I am talking about new version. Alternatively you can build a version from source.