Can i add new Teltonika AVL ID on my own

SYSTADO2 years ago

or would i need to ask stooprt for paid solution ?
i.e. add "io84" mapping as Fuellevel
and "io87" as Total milage CAN-Bus

SYSTADO2 years ago
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

If you just need to convert the value directly, you can use a computed attribute expression like this (where XX is your IO id):

ioXX ? ioXX : null
SYSTADO2 years ago

I just dont get that syntax of JEXL :(
i need to create a var so i can display the value in the popup ans stuff right?
So how can i make "io89" show up as "Fuel XX %" when io89 delivers the fuel tank content in % via canbus
And what do i have to select in "Attribut dropdown"

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I gave you exact syntax to use.

geofreygachie2 years ago

I am using FMB 140 , with io89 giving fuel in percentage.This is what i have done to get the fuel in litres for my Mazda .
FYI the fuel tank capacity is 45 litres.

Description text
Description text

SYSTADO2 years ago

perfect finaly i can understand that strange syntax.
but strange for teltonika states io84 is fuel in lieters and io89 is fuel in % already

Stil: How can i create new atributes for io that do not fit any of the preset ones?
like "compressor working time" or "Doot status"

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can type any custom name.

SYSTADO2 years ago

That does not work for us.
When I want to crate "Batteriestatus" / "Batteriestate" for example
and Enter that as attribut and hit save i get error

Column 'attribute' cannot be null - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException (... < QueryBuilder:469 < DatabaseStorage:95 < BaseObjectResource:71 < ...)
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It probably means you haven't clicked on it in the dropdown.

SYSTADO2 years ago

But the variable i want is new and not in the list

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Whatever you type is added to the list automatically. Are you sure you're using the latest version? Maybe you can provide a screen recording?