Device recommendation

keeka9 years ago

I'm using traccar server along with the official traccar android client on my phone plus a tkstar pet tracker.
traccar server and android client work great. As does the tkstar device most of the time.
I'm using it to track my dog whilst out on walks. Where I get no dropouts with my phone, the tkstar pet tracker is failing to get GPRS on prolonged stretches of our walks. Both phone and pet tracker use the same 3G network.
Obviously the pet tracker is less than 0.5m from the ground where as the phone is more like 1.5m. Can anyone recommend an alternative tracker unit, that works with traccar server, that might have better performing hardware? The tkstar LED's indicate it has no trouble locking on to GPS, but is losing mobile signal in areas where my phone is fine.

Many thanks.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Are you sure your tracking device supports 3G connection?

keeka9 years ago

In as far as it successfully sends to the traccar server. Then it's 3G, yes?
But on the same (3G) network, it seems less capable than my Moto G phone.

On today's walk, there was a large section where the tkstar device failed to get a flashing green light (GPRS) but my phone was connecting & reporting it's position to the server fine. I'm just wondering if this device has inferior gprs/3G hardware or perhaps a poor antenna and there are better devices, of a similar size, that will work with traccar.

Incidentally, I have mostly used the traccar web application. But have also tried several third party android apps. I was interested in ones that could overlay the viewers position directly from the local gps. TrackerM was promising. That also has working Google maps/satellite overlays. But seems to stop updating and needs to be restarted.
I've never tried to write an android app. But would like to create one to emulate or better some of the pet tracking oriented apps that accompany some commercial pet tracking devices.

keeka9 years ago

Device I have looks identical to this. But I don't know the precise model number of the one I have.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

If it doesn't explicitly state somewhere that your device supports 3G, then it probably doesn't. FIY, most GPS trackers don't support 3G at the moment.

So, it means that in some areas your phone can have a good connection, while your GPS tracker won't have any.

keeka9 years ago

I hadn't thought of that. Are there any 3G devices on the supported devices list that might be suitable as a pet tracker.
Thanks for the help.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Unfortunately I don't know. I rarely work with actual hardware.